, renders as WebNotify
number, also indicating the version of the TWikiFuncModule
expands to 1.021
r1.1 - 14 Aug 2004 - 07:54 - PeterThoeny
Parameter: | Description: | Default: |
"format" | Format of revision information, see supported variables below | "r1.$rev - $date - $wikiusername" |
web="..." | Name of web | Current web |
topic="..." | Topic name | Current topic |
rev="1.5" | Specific revison number | Latest revision |
Variable: | Unit: | Example |
$web | Name of web | Current web |
$topic | Topic name | Current topic |
$rev | Revison number. Prefix r1. to get the usual r1.5 format | 5 |
$date | Revision date | 11 Jul 2004 |
$username | Login username of revision | jsmith |
$wikiname | WikiName of revision | JohnSmith |
$wikiusername | WikiName with Main web prefix | Main.JohnSmith |
%REVINFO{"$date - $wikiusername" rev="1.1"}%
returns revision info of first revision
which expands to http://pyqplayer.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/bin/viewauth/TWiki/TWikiVariablesNtoZ
or .cgi
%SEARCH{"text" ...}%
Parameter: | Description: | Default: |
"text" | Search term. Is a keyword search, literal search or regular expression search, depending on the type parameter. SearchHelp has more | required |
search="text" | (Alternative to above) | N/A |
web="Name" web="Main, Know" web="all" | Wiki web to search: A web, a list of webs separated by comma, or all webs. [2] | Current web |
topic="WebPreferences" topic="*Bug" | Limit search to topics: A topic, a topic with asterisk wildcards, or a list of topics separated by comma. | All topics in a web |
excludetopic="Web*" excludetopic="WebHome, WebChanges" | Exclude topics from search: A topic, a topic with asterisk wildcards, or a list of topics separated by comma. | None |
type="keyword" type="literal" type="regex" | Do a keyword search like soap "web service" -shampoo ; a literal search like web service ; or RegularExpression search like soap;web service;!shampoo | %SEARCHVAR- DEFAULTTYPE% preferences setting (literal) |
scope="topic" scope="text" scope="all" | Search topic name (title); the text (body) of topic; or all (both) | "text" |
order="topic" order="created" order="modified" order="editby" order= | Sort the results of search by the topic names, topic creation time, last modified time, last editor, or named field of TWikiForms. The sorting is done web by web; in case you want to sort across webs, create a formatted table and sort it with TablePlugin's initsort | Sort by topic name |
limit="all" limit="16" | Limit the number of results returned. This is done after sorting if order is specified | All results |
reverse="on" | Reverse the direction of the search | Ascending search |
casesensitive="on" | Case sensitive search | Ignore case |
nosummary="on" | Show topic title only | Show topic summary |
bookview="on" | BookView search, e.g. show complete topic text | Show topic summary |
nosearch="on" | Suppress search string | Show search string |
noheader="on" | Suppress search header Topics: Changed: By: | Show search header |
nototal="on" | Do not show number of topics found | Show number |
header="..." format="..." | Custom format results: see FormattedSearch for usage, variables & examples | Results in table |
expandvariables="on" | Expand variables before applying a FormattedSearch on a search hit. Useful to show the expanded text, e.g. to show the result of a SpreadSheetPlugin %CALC{}% instead of the formula | Raw text |
multiple="on" | Multiple hits per topic. Each hit can be formatted. The last token is used in case of a regular expression ";" and search | Only one hit per topic |
separator=", " | Line separator between hits | Newline "$n" |
%SEARCH{"wiki" web="Main" scope="topic"}%
%SEARCH{"FAQ" scope="topic" nosearch="on" nototal="on" header="| *Topic: * | *Summary: * |" format="| $topic | $summary |"%
(displays results in a table with header - details)
variable just before the %SEARCH{}%
to alter the output of a search. Example: %TABLE{ tablewidth="90%" }%
search if you define a NOSEARCHALL=on
variable in its WebPreferences
03 Mar 2025 - 14:53
expands to 14:53
variable. A normal view of the topic shows everyting exept the %STARTINCLUDE%
variable itself.
, renders as WebStatistics
variable itself.
%TOC{"SomeTopic" ...}%
"---++ text"
) and HTML ("<h2>text</h2>"
) are taken into account. Any heading text after "!!"
is excluded from the TOC; for example, write "---+!! text"
if you do not want to list a header in the TOC
Parameter: | Description: | Default: |
"TopicName" | topic name | Current topic |
web="Name" | Name of web | Current web |
depth="2" | Limit depth of headings shown in TOC | 6 |
title="Some text" | Title to appear at top of TOC | none |
%TOC{"TWikiDocumentation" web="TWiki" title="Contents:"}%
, renders as TWikiVariablesNtoZ
variable gets expanded to the topic name; the $web
variable gets expanded to the name of the web.
%TOPICLIST{"format" ...}%
Parameter: | Description: | Default: |
"format" | Format of one line, may include $name and $web variables | "$name" |
format="format" | (Alternative to above) | "$name" |
separator=", " | line separator | "\n" (new line) |
web="Name" | Name of web | Current web |
%TOPICLIST{" * $web.$name"}%
creates a bullet list of all topics
%TOPICLIST{separator=", "}%
creates a comma separated list of all topics
%TOPICLIST{" <option>$name</option>"}%
creates an option list (for drop down menus)
Parameter: | Description: | Default: |
"name" | The name of a URL parameter | required |
default="..." | Default value in case parameter is empty or missing | empty string |
newline="<br />" | Convert newlines in textarea to other delimiters | no conversion |
encode="entity" | Encode special characters into HTML entities, like a double quote into " . This is needed if text is put into an HTML form field | no encoding |
encode="url" | Encode special characters for URL parameter use, like a double quote into %22 | no encoding |
multiple="on" multiple="[[$item]]" | If set, gets all selected elements of a <select multiple="multiple"> tag. A format can be specified, with $item indicating the element, e.g. multiple="Option: $item" | first element |
separator=", " | Separator between multiple selections. Only relevant if multiple is specified | "\n" (new line) |
returns print
for a .../view/TWiki/TWikiVariablesNtoZ?skin=print
URL. Test this:
, WIKINAME like JohnSmith
and WIKIUSERNAME like Main.JohnSmith
. A user is a TWikiGuest in case the topic is not authenticated
%VAR{"NAME" web="Web"}%
of the Main web write %VAR{"WEBBGCOLOR" web="Main"}%
, which expands to #FFEFA6
preference variable. The "format"
defines the format of one web item. The $name
variable gets expanded to the name of the web, $qname
gets expanded to double quoted name, $marker
to marker
where web matches selection
%WEBLIST{"format" ...}%
Parameter: | Description: | Default: |
"format" | Format of one line, may include $name variable | "$name" |
format="format" | (Alternative to above) | "$name" |
separator=", " | line separator | "\n" (new line) |
webs="public" | comma sep list of Web, public expands to all non-hidden | "public" |
marker="selected" | Text for $marker where item matches selection , otherwise equals "" | "selected" |
selection="%WEB%" | Current value to be selected in list | section="%WEB%" |
%WEBLIST{" * [[$name.WebHome]]"}%
creates a bullet list of all webs.
%WEBLIST{"<option $marker value=$qname>$name</option>" webs="Trash,public" selection="TWiki" separator=" "}%
Dropdown of all public Webs + Trash Web, current Web highlighted.
, renders as WebPreferences
, renders as TWikiPreferences
, renders as TWikiGuest
, with Main prefix renders as TWikiUsers
01 Sep 2004 $Rev: 1742 $
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