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TWiki.WelcomeGuestr1.1 - 05 Nov 2004 - 17:06 - TWikiGuesttopic end

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you have reached the TWiki web (pronounced twee-kee web). TWiki is a meeting place to collaborate on common interests. Everybody can contribute by just using a web browser. It looks like a normal web site, but then... everybody can edit web pages.

Main Features of TWiki

  • Edit existing pages or create new pages by using any web browser.
  • Web pages are automatically linked. You do not need to learn HTML commands to link pages.
  • Very simple text formatting. Basically, you write a web page like you would write an email.
  • Full text search with/without regular expressions.
  • All changes to pages are under revision control. Find out who changed what and when.
  • Automatic email notification when web pages change.
  • File attachments: Upload and download any file as an attachment to a page by using your browser. This is similar to email file attachments, but it happens on web pages.
  • Topic locking: Users are warned if a page is being edited by an other person. This is to prevent contention, e.g. simultaneous page editing.

How TWiki Works

TWiki is divided up into webs ; each one represents one area of collaboration. The webs are accessible at the upper right corner. Our TWiki webs:

Web TWiki Site Map Use to...
Main Home of Main web Search Main web Recent changes in the Main web Get notified of changes to the Main web Welcome to TWiki... Users, Groups, Offices - tour this expandable virtual workspace. ...get a first-hand feel for TWiki possibilities.
TWiki Home of TWiki web Search TWiki web Recent changes in the TWiki web Get notified of changes to the TWiki web Welcome, Registration, and other StartingPoints; TWiki history & Wiki style; All the docs... TWiki details, and how to start your own site.
Sandbox Home of Sandbox web Search Sandbox web Recent changes in the Sandbox web Get notified of changes to the Sandbox web Sandbox test area with all features enabled. ...experiment in an unrestricted hands-on web.
You can use color coding by web for identification and reference. This table is updated automatically based on WebPreferences settings of the individual webs. Contact if you need a separate collaboration web for your team. See also AdminTools.
Legend of icons:   Home of web = Go to the home of the web
Search web = Search the web
  Recent changes in the web = See recent changes in the web
Get notified of changes to the web = Subscribe to get notified of changes by e-mail
(included from SiteMap; change WelcomeGuest to include from SiteMap instead of TWikiWebsTable)

Each web has hyper-linked topics. A topic is one web page in your browser.

To browse this TWiki site, just click on any highlighted link. These links are called WikiWords, and comprise two or more words with initial capitals, run together.

To edit any topic, click on "Edit" at the bottom of the topic. You can edit the topic from within your browser, using WikiSyntax, a very simple markup language. You could also use HTML if you wish, but this is optional. (Before you can edit pages you need to register in TWikiRegistration.)

A highlighted "?" following a WikiTopic means that no content has yet been entered for that topic. You are invited to add some content by clicking on the "?". You are encouraged to include WikiWords in your content, for others to fill out later.

Please follow the TWikiTutorial to get you up to speed on TWiki. You can use the TWiki.Test web for testing.

Starting points in the TWiki.TWiki web

  • TWikiTutorial : Familiarize yourself with TWiki before you start editing content.
  • WebHome: Entry point of this TWiki web.
  • TWikiWeb?: Explains what a TWiki web is.
  • GoodStyle: Things to consider when changing text.
  • WikiSyntax: Easy to learn rules when editing text.
  • WebChanges: Recent changes to the TWiki.TWiki web.
  • TWikiRegistration: Before you leave add your name here.

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