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TWiki Upgrade Guide

Upgrade from TWiki 01-Dec-2001 to TWiki 01-Jan-2003 (previous to new full release)


This guide describes how to upgrade from TWiki 01-Dec-2001 to TWiki 01-Jan-2003. The new version involves several new features and numerous enhancements to the previous version.

Upgrade Requirements

  • To upgrade from a 01-Dec-2001 standard installation to the latest 01-Jan-2003 TWiki Production Release, follow the instructions below.

  • To upgrade from a Beta of the new release, or if you made custom modifications to the application, read through all new reference documentation, then use the procedure below as a guideline.

Major Changes from TWiki 01-Dec-2001

  • AND Search - With regular expression enabled, use ";" as the AND operator in FormattedSearch and WebSearch
  • (to be completed)

Upgrade Procedure from 01-Dec-2001 to 01-Jan-2003 Release

The following steps describe the upgrade assuming that $TWIKIROOT is the root of your current 01-Dec-2001 release.

Note: These steps assume a downtime during the time of upgrade. You could install the new version in parallel to the existing one and switch over in an instant without affecting the users. As a guideline, install the new version into $TWIKIROOT/bin1, $TWIKIROOT/lib1, $TWIKIROOT/templates1, $TWIKIROOT/data/TWiki1 (from data/TWiki), $TWIKIROOT/pub/TWiki1 (from pub/TWiki), and configure TWiki.cfg to point to the same data and pub directory like the existing installation. Once tested and ready to go, reconfigure $TWIKIROOT/bin1/setlib.cfg and $TWIKIROOT/lib1/TWiki.cfg, then rename $TWIKIROOT/bin to $TWIKIROOT/bin2, $TWIKIROOT/bin1 to $TWIKIROOT/bin. Do the same with the lib, templates and data/TWiki directories.

  1. Back up and prepare:
    • Back up all existing TWiki directories $TWIKIROOT/bin, $TWIKIROOT/pub, $TWIKIROOT/data, $TWIKIROOT/templates.
    • Create a temporary directory and unpack the ZIP file there.
  2. Update files in TWiki root:
    • Overwrite all *.html and *.txt files in $TWIKIROOT with the new ones.
  3. Update template files:
    • Overwrite all template files in $TWIKIROOT/templates with the new ones.
  4. Update script files:
    • Overwrite all script files in $TWIKIROOT/bin with the new ones.
      • If necessary, change the script names to include the required extension, ex: .cgi
    • Edit $TWIKIROOT/bin/setlib.cfg and point $twikiLibPath to the absolute file path of $TWIKIROOT/lib
    • Pay attention to the file and directory permissions, the scripts need to be executable, e.g. 775.
  5. Update library files:
    • Make a backup copy of $TWIKIROOT/lib/TWiki.cfg to
    • Overwrite the TWiki.cfg configuration file in $TWIKIROOT/lib with the new one.
    • Restore the configuration values from the backup. You typically need to configure just the ones in the section "variables that need to be changed when installing on a new server".
    • Overwrite the library in $TWIKIROOT/lib with the new one.
    • Copy and overwrite all subdirectories below $TWIKIROOT/lib with the new ones. Make sure to preserve any extra Plugins you might have in $TWIKIROOT/lib/TWiki/Plugins
    • Pay attention to the file and directory permissions, the library files should not be executable, but set to e.g. 664.
  6. Update data files:
    • Run the bin/testenv script from the browser (e.g. http://localhost/bin/testenv) to verify if the cgi-scripts are running as user nobody.
      • In case not: The *,v RCS repository files delivered with the installation package are locked by user nobody and need to be changed to the user of your cgi-scripts, e.g., www-data:
      • Change the lock user in the temporary twiki/data/* directories where you unzipped the installation package: A simple way to switch the locker of the RCS files is to use sed in the :
        for f in *,v; do sed 's/nobody\:/www-data\:/' $f > x; mv x $f; done
    • In the temporary twiki/data/TWiki directory where you unzipped the installation package:
      • Remove the files you do not want to upgrade: InterWikis.*, TWikiRegistration.*, WebNotify.*, WebPreferences.*, WebStatistics.* and all WebTopic* files.
    • Rename $TWIKIROOT/data/TWiki/TWikiPreferences.* to TWikiPreferencesSave.*.
    • Move all remaining *.txt and *.txt,v files from the temporary data/TWiki directory to your $TWIKIROOT/data/TWiki directory.
    • Merge your original TWikiPreferencesSave.txt settings into $TWIKIROOT/data/TWiki/TWikiPreferences.txt.
    • Move all *.txt and *.txt,v files from the temporary data/_default directory to your $TWIKIROOT/data/_default directory.
    • Move the data/Sandbox directory from the temporary location to your $TWIKIROOT/data directory.
    • Make sure that the directories and files below $TWIKIROOT/data are writable by your cgi-script user.
  7. Update pub/TWiki files:
    • Move all subdirectories below pub/TWiki from your temporary directory into your $TWIKIROOT/pub/TWiki directory.
    • Make sure that the directories and files below $TWIKIROOT/pub/TWiki are writable by your cgi-script user.
  8. Verify installation:
    • Execute the $TWIKIROOT/bin/testenv script from your browser (e.g. http://localhost/bin/testenv) to see if it reports any issues; fix any potential problems.
    • Test your updated TWiki installation to see if you can view, create, edit and rename topics; upload and move attachments; register users.
    • Test if the installed Plugins work as expected. You should see the list of installed Plugins in TextFormattingRules.

General Format Changes

  • (to be written)

Known Issues

-- PeterThoeny - 17 Dec 2002
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