is called by a background process at regular intervals. The script sends an automated email to subscribed users if topics were changed in a web since the script was last run.
) format containing the WikiName of a user; a WikiName with e-mail address; or a TWikiGroup. Examples:
Main.FredBloggs -
instead of Main
, but this is not necessary even if you have renamed the main web by configuring $mainWebname
in TWiki.cfg
module if it is installed on your system. Set this with the SMTPMAILHOST
variable in TWikiPreferences.
The notify e-mail uses the default changes.tmpl
template, or a skin if activated in the TWikiPreferences.
mailnotify also relies on two hidden files in each TWiki/data/[web]
directory: .changes
and .mailnotify.
Make sure both are writable by your web server process. .changes
contains a list of changes; go ahead and make this empty. .mailnotify
contains a timestamp of the last time notification was done.
You can use an external mail program, like sendmail
, if the Net::SMTP
module is not installed. Set the program path in $mailProgram
in TWiki.cfg
in TWikiPreferences to an empty value.
variable to define the mail sender host (some SMTP installations require this).
table so that mailnotify
is called in an interval of your choice. Please consult man crontab
of how to modify the table that schedules program execution at certain intervals. Example:
% crontab -e 0 2 * * * (cd /path/to/twiki/bin; ./mailnotify -q)The above line will run mailnotify nightly at 02:00. The
switch suppresses all normal output.
For ISP installations: Many ISPs don't allow hosted accounts direct cron access, as it's often used for things that can heavily load the server. Workaround scripts are available.
On Windows NT/2000: You can use a scheduled task if you have administrative privileges.
Note: AT on an NT machine is pretty limited.
Microsoft lists several third-party
replacements. TWiki:Codev/CronTabWin is a free scheduler for Windows.
$doLogTopicView, $doLogTopicSave and $doLogTopicUpload
in TWiki.cfg
are set. This will generate log file entries (see below).
script from a cron job, once a day is recommended. This will update the WebStatistics topics in all webs.
on many systems. Example crontab entry: 0 0 * * * (cd /path/to/TWiki/bin; ./statistics >/dev/null 2>&1)
: Run the utility twiki/bin/geturl
in your cron job and specify the URL of the twiki/bin/statistics
script as a parameter. Example: 0 0 * * * (cd /path/to/TWiki/bin; ./geturl /urlpath/to/TWiki/bin/statistics >/dev/null 2>&1)
script can also be executed as a CGI script, just enter the URL in your browser. Examples:
variable in TWiki.cfg
| <time> | <wikiusername> | <action> | <web>.<topic> | <extra info> | <IP address> |
| 03 Mar 2025 - 14:46 | Main.TWikiGuest | view | TWiki.WebRss | | |
Script | Action name | Extra info |
attach | attach | when viewing attach screen of previous uploaded attachment: filename |
changes | changes | |
edit | edit | when editing non-existing topic: (not exist) |
register | register | E-mail address |
save | save | when replacing existing revision: repRev 1.3 when user checks the minor changes box: dontNotify |
search | search | search string |
rdiff | rdiff | 1.4 1.3 |
rename | rename | when moving topic: moved to Newweb.NewTopic |
rename | move | when moving attachment: Attachment filename moved to Newweb.NewTopic |
upload | upload | filename |
view | view | when viewing non-existing topic: (not exist) when viewing previous topic revision: r1.3 |
. The number of topics listed by the limit
%SEARCH{".*" web="TWiki" regex="on" nosearch="on" order="modified"
reverse="on" limit="50"}%
-- TWiki:Main.MikeMannix - 01 Dec 2001%SEARCH{"\.*" scope="topic" regex="on" nosearch="on"}%
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