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You've stumbled onto the homepage for the PyqPlayer project. This site is under construction right now, but check back in a few days and we should have some more information for you.

PyqPlayer is an easy to use media player front end for the Sharp Zaurus. PyqPlayer provides a user interface much like a portable MP3 player. PyqPlayer allows you to:

  • Browse your music by artist, album, genre, and song title
  • Browse video files
  • Manage multiple playlists
  • Shuffle play playlist
  • Interface designed for for one handed operation - can do most operations with just the jog dial or d-pad and ok button

The philosophy behind PyqPlayer is that "desktop" style media players (such as XMMS) are not well suited to handheld use. They can't be operated quickly or one handed. Interfaces on portable MP3 players like the iPod are much better suited to a handheld like the Zaurus. PyqPlayer's purpose is to provide just such an interface.

PyqPlayer is strictly a "front end". PyqPlayer does not contain any A/V codecs but instead relies on existing "command line" media players such as madplay and mplayer. This modular approach makes it easy to upgrade back-end media players or integrate support for new ones into PyqPlayer.

PyqPlayer is written in Python and uses PyQt to integrate with the Qtopia environment. The name PyqPlayer derives from Python Qtopia Player and is pronounced "peek-player".

Latest News:

16 Jan 2005 - 20:07: Python 2.4 for Zaurus: With the release of Python 2.4, I've updated my Zaurus Python Image to the new version. In addition to the new Python version, I've also incorporated ... (more...)

25 Nov 2004 - 04:31: SQLite 3.0.8 Zaurus IPK: SQLite will be a key part of PyqPlayer. However, there don't seem to be any Zaurus IPK packages of SQLite 3. To remedy that, I've built a ... (more...)

10 Nov 2004 - 18:06: Python Zaurus Image IPK Released The initial release (0.1) of my Python Zaurus Imaage and Python Zaurus IPK is now available for download. This Python 2.3 distribution ... (more...)

08 Nov 2004 - 15:21: TWiki Installed: The PyqPlayer website is now TWiki powered. After experimenting with XOOPS, Mambo CMS, TikiWiki, and TWiki, I've tentatively settled on TWiki as ... (more...)

08 Nov 2004 - 15:03: PyqPlayer Approved: Sourceforge has approved the PyqPlayer project! I've configured the Sourceforge project page and now my next step is to get the website set up ... (more...)

All news items ...

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